Wednesday, September 07, 2016

How To Bot Pokemon Go

Bot Details: 
- Autowalk ( through predefined routes or random walking arround point you set on map )- Catching pokemons ( You can choose if u want to use razz-berry on pokemons with cp higher then ur value )- Looting pokestops- Transfering pokemons ( You choose whats max CP to evolve. Bot will always keep the strongest of a kind )- Evolving pokemons ( You choose min CP to evolve )- Hatch eggs- 4 speed options ( Slow, Medium, High, Super fast )- Clean potions and revives ( to make space for pokeballs )

 speed limit to Medium or less
 Please don't jump from continents to continents


1, Remove old version completely before installing new please. Remove data !
2, I'll be creating add free version, but honestly i bought this app from previous owner and im putting too much time into this app so i wanna profit a bit. Im not doing it just for fun. Also adds are not show stoppers, i realize they're annoying but they do not block botting process. Thx everyone :)
3, Added manual way to transfer/evolve. Go bag -> click on single item and new window with more options will open.
4, Added import/export settings funcionality. ( find them in Main settings page )
Main settings + all pokemon settings will be exported.

5, Added notifications with statistics ( check photo )
Will hear comunity requests for improving notifications.

Download :

NOTE: The app closes 2 or 3 times before starting and also more ads than usual (please be patient)


Pokemon flee on the first throw, i spin the stop but no loot! Why?

You are softbanned. Don't jump continents, or wait 6 hours logged out before you do. The app can take care of the softban if you have a pokestop nearby. If you are receiving the error "Something went wrong while catching pokemon" disable razzberries, set them to 9999

Pokemon flee, but I can loot pokestops!

This appears to be a new sort of ban which is still being looked into.

I don't see the arrow moving at all!

Disable your ad blocking apps! The simulator detects them and will not work if any are detected!
Are you zoomed in on the map? You can zoom in by touble tapping the Googlemap, or by swiping with two fingers in opposite directions.
Did you select a route in Settings? You should select one that is closest to you to avoid jumping continents and getting a ban!
If you have set everything up as instructed, there is no reason for the arrow not to move!

How do I use a custom route?

Open the simulator and select Custom route in settings. Find the .txt file on your mobile phone that you downloaded from routes wiki or you created yourself. The application will crash if .txt has invalid data in it such as an empty space between coordinates.

Will you make this app for my Apple or Windows phone?

No. There are no plans to make apps for these other platforms.

Why does the app crash on startup?

Intel based android phones are supported, but still worked on.
Find out your phone API and Google your model if you are not sure before posting for help.

App crashes when I press START

Make sure you haven't left Transfer or Evolve CP empty! Check all your settings before trying again!
If you are using a custom route make sure there are no empty spaces in .txt file!

I am receiving errors, force closes, etc:

Try these standard troubleshooting steps:

- Access settings, Apps, and select GO Simulator.
- Force Stop
- Clear Cache
- Clear Data
- Toggle Airplane mode
- Reboot Phone
- Remove / Reinstall latest version

After a fresh install, tweak as few options as possible to start off.

1. Access settings.
2. Access login info.
- Add username, password, and select google account indicator if applicable.
- For google, the full email address is needed. Passwords are also CaSe sensitive. This means your username is and your password is yOuRpaSsSword12345
3. Click the back arrow.
4. Now access app settings.
5. Start at slow speed and use a pre defined route.
- Generally try to use the one closest to you to avoid jumping continents.
- A good rule of thumb is to use a GPS spoofing app and go to the place you plan spoofing in the PoGO app itself before starting the app.
6. Test it out and make sure it works. Now start adding additional options/tweaks one at a time. Once you receive an error/issue, see if you can repeat it. If you find a repeatable error, post in the thread your exact steps to make it happen.

It is recommended to pretend you are flying on an airplane. Jump to different locations by logging off and back on to the app based upon how long a typical commercial flight would take.
Changing your Device_ID to avoid permaban
If Niantic decides to issue permanent bans. They will be either by IP or Device_ID. Currently most of the botting apps make the users have the same Device_ID. It would be wise to change it prior to use.
To change device ID on a rooted, Xposed Framework phone, use this app
For other situations look into this guide

In Game Troubleshooting:
Make sure you can log out and back into standard PokemonGo App without any issues.

Make sure there is room for Pokemon and items. After so much looting, everything gets full and you will need to clear it out. Regarding Pokemon, use the app's 'Pokemon setting' to remove specific Pokemon and avoid manual effort.

You can always disable 'Location' on your phone, and log into the PoGO app to clear out your inventory and do manual micromanagement. Disabling 'Location' will make the red bar 'GPS not found' show up but you can still use the app. 
Always check this before asking here - usually your bag or pokeslots are full, or you have no balls. (Pun intended)

How do I make my own route?

1, Go toRecord Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

2, Find your starting point and zoom in super close. Note that the map legend shows you how long 5 meters is.

3, Next you will keep clicking steps as you make a long path through the area. Each click needs to be 5-15 meters apart.

NOTE-Your goal is to click each step (coordinate) on the web page. It needs to be between 5-15 meters for each click (coordinate). Click a nice route through a city, including plenty of rare spawns and Pokestops.

4, Create a text file title using the naming convention City_UniqueLandmark_State_Country.txt and dump your paths long list of coordinates.

5, Save file on sd card and use it through Custom route.

Keep files like:

city_place or landmark_country.txt


By: gr33nd3v1l


I'm stopping all development until all youtube videos about this app are removed. Thx


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